culture-images - Bilder der Kunst und Kulturgeschichte    

Cinderella by Susie McKenna with David Ashley (Lucinda) , Tameka Empson (Countess Prunella) and Michael Kirk (Lavinia) performing at the Hackney Empire, London, UK. Composer and conductor - Steven Edis. Choreography by Carl Parris.

Cinderella by Susie McKenna with David Ashley (Lucinda) , Tameka Empson (Countess Prunella) and Michael Kirk (Lavinia) performing at the Hackney Empire, London, UK. Composer and conductor - Steven Edis. Choreography by Carl Parris. 

Cinderella by Susie McKenna with David Ashley (Lucinda) , Tameka Empson (Countess Prunella) and Michael Kirk (Lavinia) performing at the Hackney Empire, London, UK. Composer and conductor - Steven Edis. Choreography by Carl Parris. 7 December 2006 - 13 January 2007. Pantomime. Colourful. Sitting on a motorcycle with a side car. 

credit: culture-images/Lebrecht/Tristram Kenton
author: 90700
image ID: ci01440627.jpg

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